Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tick Tock goes the clock

So, I just looked back at my proudly announced finished manuscript post. Goodness! That was May. And now October is almost over. Seriously? Sigh. The good news is that I'm on the fourth draft. So far my beta readers like it. Yes, I have beta readers! Hi beta readers! I love saying that. Beta readers sounds so official. Anyway, I'm getting mighty antsy to send this manuscript out to agents. I have a couple agents in mind, and one specific lady who is going to get the book first. But, I'm still not sure when. Plus, I have some major holes in the book to patch up before I can really seriously think about diving into the Scary Submission Process. Eeeep!

I haven't given out any info about this top secret novel yet, cause I'm not sure how much to say. But I will say this: I love fairytales and this novel is inspired by a bunch of them. I will henceforth begin calling top secret novel "MiddleGrade Fairytale". The reason I'm getting impatient about sending this book out is due to the fairytale TV shows airing this fall. One of them starts tonight! I'm so nervous about these shows! I don't know if they are going to help or hurt me. Everyone tells me not to worry, but I can't help it. I had hoped to have the Scary Submission Process in the works by the time "Once Upon a Time" aired, but unfortunately the editing process is going slooooooow. Plus, the Corporate Place totally kicked my butt during the month of October. Too many late nights preparing for Big Meetings.

And lastly, NaNoWrimo begins November 1st. I'd like to participate again this year, and maybe even make it to 50,000 words by the end of November. But not at the expense of my MG fairytale. That's the danger of NaNoWrimo. The race to win the challenge can throw everything else to the wayside. Unless I can get MG Fairytale ready first. Hmmm. That's only 8 days. Silly me.

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